Topic: Tag Implication: double_handjob -> multi_handjob

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

idk, when you look at the content of multi handjob tag, this seems p bad idea. i dont think that people looking for this kind of content would appreciate the implication.

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
idk, when you look at the content of multi handjob tag, this seems p bad idea. i dont think that people looking for this kind of content would appreciate the implication.

Yup, that's what I was thinking, I'm one sometimes advocating structure before ease of usage, but I'm fine with keeping them separate.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Double handjob is two handjobs, multi handjob is more than two. Which pretty much limits it to characters with multiple_limbs.

(All multi_* tags follow the standard of 'more than usual'. Multi_pussy, multi_balls, etc.)

Updated by anonymous

what if the character is fapping with his two hands -1

Updated by anonymous

Circeus said:

Ah, damn, so that's the tag for that. D:

I've wanted to label that one so often (very recently here) but never could find the correct tag, though I could swear I've tried two_handed_masturbation, but that obviously wasn't accepted as it was missing the overly specific hyphen. That's stupid, it really could do with a few aliases for different spellings. You know, two_handed, double_handed...

EDIT: Oh look, there's a handjob version too:

Updated by anonymous

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