Never knew how loud my smart watch is. Tried calling my sis and the volume just BLASTED! Lol
It's like an average iPhone speaker but double the sound.
Probably should turn it down a bit... .3.
Never knew how loud my smart watch is. Tried calling my sis and the volume just BLASTED! Lol
It's like an average iPhone speaker but double the sound.
Probably should turn it down a bit... .3.
I am MINCEMEAT. I invade your inland waterways, choking off marine life.
I hide in the curtains and I sleep in your bed and I take on the dreams of the ones that have slept there
I am MINCEMEAT. I am visited upon you
@Mothership: that was so annoying for a month or two after W10. Every other fucking day it would nag you about a restart. And since I'd keep saying "not now" it'd pop up every few hours; always when I happened to be using my PC.
@TheHuskyK9: To be honest focus on iPhones is retarded. You have to manually tap the object you want to bring in focus multiple times and it STILL doesn't show the picture without blur.
Applies to moving objects only probably though.
@kamimatsu: My friend filmed me doing it but for some reason the quality is literally like filming from a baked potato (and he has the newest iPhone lol). Would you like to see it?
Windows: "Restart Windows to finish installing updates"
Me: can u not
as for the first one... my nigga ain't wrong though
@Yellowfin_Tuna: I feel like that almost every day.
Just most likely for different reasons from yours, though.
@TheHuskyK9: Try a trampoline.
"NintenDAC dev board for Nintendo Switch modification"
Very nice.
The dev stuff in credits.
Didn't preorder either, was gonna wait till July. Then Splatoon 2 Global Testfire was announced...
Did preorder BoW game and guide though.
@furballs_dc: you're bumming me out with all the switch news. I didn't get a pre order and I really want one.
I'm joking about the bumming me out part
@Ryuzaki_Tritium: a new alt of mine got matched to a guild for normal EoA. healer was healer spec'd but tried to dps because "our tank is 860!" (like that's even good). only healed his guildies when they were injured. raged when i posted skada heal stats
I don't understand why clicking download on a flash post downloads the whole file instead of resizing the flash to fit the screen.
@TheHuskyK9: thanks at least I don't got work so that's something.
Oh and I got pumpkin spice cupcakes instead yumers.
@Doomguy666: Happy early birthday. I wish you a tasty cinnamon bun
Water theme for Nintendo Switch confirmed.
I just realized my birthday is this Saturday and it's going to be a damn sight more dull than last year.
@notawerewolf: what happened
just got placed in a WoW group that redefined the definition of autism
i think i need to go lie down
@TheHuskyK9: OMG!!! That's messed up!
@Knotty_Curls: heathen? Nah, I'm Christian.
"" "Dear God! Is this the weather to which you are accustomed to in this infernal country?"
-Admiral Sir George Cockburn(?!) allegedly said
when the brits burnt down the white house in 1814, almost right after a thunderstorm (possibly a hurricane) kicked up, then a dang tornado
The updated version. =^_^=
furballs dc said:
If Legend of Zelda was Realistic (Animation)
"Aren't you too old to be a fairy?"
If you think about it, Tingle is actually too young.
@Fenrick: Well, another way to help stop nosebleeds is to push up on the bottom of your nose with the side of your finger. I can guarantee that it works in my case, so it might be worth a try.
@Acouya: Because we rule with an iron fist to get rid of trolls, while still allowing sarcasm and terribly inappropriate humor. As long as it's not getting insulting, that is.
And apparently some people just like being social, those weirdos.
@Kristal_Candeo: bye kristal.
@Kristal_Candeo: basically before the 90s/mid-80s. But I haven't heard of those two yet. I'll give them a losten when I'm fully awake. Thank you.
@opspopspies: Or I could see Trump fuck the Statue of Liberty...
W0LFB3AT5 said: Just for shits and giggles. I'm bored as hell...
Well you could always lookup sassy Trump #MAGA
Well... this is fucking cheery...
Just for shits and giggles. I'm bored as hell...
@Doomguy666: hOi!
opspopspies said:
what even is a blip??
Ah nvm I think I know now
Syderen said:
@Knotty_Curls: @TheHuskyK9:
I don't have a belt and may be "old" but I broke quite a few people in the past and still do.
shower fighting is a sacred art u heathen
@furballs_dc: what even is a blip??
@GameManiac: Oh yeah. I've done that. It didn't last long. I only bled for 2 solid minutes.
@Queen_Tyr'ahnee: something with thinning membranes in the nose walls.
But yeah, you're right.
@GameManiac: Shouldn't you tilt your head forward when you have a nose bleed?
@Kristal_Candeo: Hi kristal.
@MariaDevita: I don't know what exactly you're going for when you say "older generations", but two of my favs from the way, way back (~60's) are "Big Iron" which is a ballad-type song, and "The End of the World" sang by Skeeter Davis.
@Chameloshi: * welcome to the club, kiddo.
Why are there networking features on a site that I'm fairly certain most people end up using just to find stuff to add to their image collections? (Something I choose to call an 'image dumpster')
kinda annoying that someone replies to something after 6 months of nothing just to start shit and they are let off lmao
Why Don't Birds Fall Out of Trees When They Sleep? | Dolan Life Mysteries
cheese_grater spotted.
@Knotty_Curls: @TheHuskyK9:
I don't have a belt and may be "old" but I broke quite a few people in the past and still do.
In what? Tae kwon dodo?
When You get an epistaxis, don't look straight up. Elevate your head only slightly and pinch your nose for 5-10 minutes.
Why Does A Round Pizza Come In A Square Box? | Dolan Life Mysteries
But where do salted butterflies come from?
@Oracle_of_Pelor: You must be at least a level 10 silver belt to participate in the Tournament of Belts
The special move though.
I cannot recall the last time I felt true happiness, I've basically defaulted emotionally to depression, fear, and doubt.
All because of my same-old-same-old trivial bullshit.
@Doomguy666: I have The belt, is my speed stat high enough to participate?
@Knotty_Curls: @TheHuskyK9: oh yeah I have a knife belt.
@Knotty_Curls: I, too, have a belt.
Personal opinion, I think tattoos that say "No Regerts" are actually the best.
@W0LFB3AT5: Could be that you have a blood vessel close to the surface of the skin on the inside of your nose, and bumping the area could tear the skin and cause it to bleed.
Had a sudden nose bleed just now...
I never had this problem since I was 17... must be multiple weather changes. Idk...
@Knotty_Curls: you're not even real