In response to blip #93746
@TheAmericanDragon: I'm doing pretty good. Got a lot of things done over the weekend. House is clean with attention to detail.
Been itching to watch more Golden Wind.
Any hoot, how you been?
@TheAmericanDragon: I'm doing pretty good. Got a lot of things done over the weekend. House is clean with attention to detail.
Been itching to watch more Golden Wind.
Any hoot, how you been?
Millcore said:
@Kodanis: It's just a name. It has as much meaning as any other name does.
Does yours have a special meaning?
At one time, yes it did. I just thought I'd seen your name somewhere else before.
@French_Fried: I mean you can learn a lot of context clues through conversation. Try fail and try again, you only get better. Get sum Pho ?
First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the woman
@French_Fried: Small talk leads to big talk. Talk about language or something that matters like college, music, sports? Find a common interest in a subject. Be inquisitive but not intrusive. "What do you like?"
Then you figure out Blues Clues.
@Aster_Viridian: I'm not joking either.
@vex714: it is, especially when you're a little oddball that doesn't talk all that much. Although now that he moved away I'm starting to do more on my own now.
Does anybody know how to talk to girls beyond small talk?
How’s everyone night been going?
11 year old account on here, just found out blips exist
@Doomguy666: Same situation when we were in college. I'm done with it and he's pretty much finished with college too. It's nice to have a brother you can count on.
@Doomguy666: @vex714: Yes, in 7 feet of snow too. For me that's not actually a joke lol.
My typing is kinda like my piano playing. I can play and type without looking at the keyboard, but I can go faster if I look down from time to time.
@vex714: ah see I'm the little brother and we'd do the same thing, except we were in college.
Back when I was a kid we did homework the old fashioned way with a pencil, and I'd walk to school uphill both ways in a blizzard.
@Kodanis: It's just a name. It has as much meaning as any other name does.
Does yours have a special meaning?
@Doomguy666: The opposite happens to me, I'm usually the faster typist. I only get annoyed when I see my little brother typing really slowly for his homework. So to make it faster, I type while he tells me what to type. I give input and proofread.
@vex714: huh I thought thought I was the only one, seeing me type annoys my brother to no end. A few minutes and he usually types whatever for me.
I use a computer at work a lot so I'm getting less comically inept now.
@Doomguy666: it is scientifically proven that tight spandex make you
@Doomguy666: I never learned to type properly. I just kept doing the typing whilst looking and eventually I kinda got to a point where I knew where certain keys are just by peripheral vision. When it came to typing, all I knew was the home row keys.
@Sharp_Coyote: I hate those people that wear the stupid little outfits to ride a bicycle. What kind of fool tries to cross a multi lane highway on bicycle?
Fucker just gunned it thru 'cause yeildin' is fer pussies~!
It was beaten into me that (at least in Socialist Communada), one cannot 'have' the right of way, nor 'take' the right of way; one can only 'give' the right of way
I also hate pedestrians who walk straight thru the middle of roundabouts
@vex714: oh yeah I needed extensive help with a word document, a few years ago I had to google how to send an email, I can't type without looking at the keyboard, I don't even know what a task bar is. A computer is like a wizards spell book to me.
W0LFB3AT5 said:
Pop quiz...driving around the roundabout, you yield to the person who’s about to cross through the roundabout?
We yield to the vehicle already in the roundabout...
@Samael_Morningstar: not 1337 yet, but someday.
@vex714: L33t H4X0r
@TheHuskyK9: you see I'm the hopeless one when it comes to computing. I realise I made a grave mistake on my last blip and confused the task bar with a browser tab lol.
@TheHuskyK9: Which taskbar? Also, question: in an image like this
post #1885486
where there is a simple_background can it also be tagged with white_background? There are oodles of posts from this artist like this.
@TheHuskyK9: Remember, if you accidentally closed the taskbar, you just hit "undo close tab". You'll hit White Hat) status one day. I believe in you.
Just found out that I can move my taskbar. Whoooooooa
@Aster_Viridian: I’m pretty sure the staff are all scientists and we’re all just unaware subjects
@Aster_Viridian: You're probably right.
@Mulcens_Instrumentum: Merely synapses firing the constant rate. It maintains dark and light fixated chocolate muffins. A thought process of slow sweet syrup-y pancakes. REM sleep like running ice cold milk.
@Aster_Viridian: @French_Fried: Interesting theories either way.
@French_Fried: If it isn't a bot that sure would be something, considering it joined January 11th and has 169,266 tag edits. Tech developments come from strange places though.
I'm sure the staff are cackling to themselves seeing us stew and debate :P
@yagi_b.: Hey bro, why'd you take down the last page of your comic?
@Aster_Viridian: @Samael_Morningstar: What if it isn’t a bot? What if the mods tell us it’s a bot to see what we come up with as to how it behaves? I think e6 is trying to invent true A.I.
@Mulcens_Instrumentum: When people is this thinking is negative like aloft. Cornbread chess loaf.
French Fried said:
What's your favorite pool here on e6? Mine's Wednesday Mornings by black-kitten
@Mulcens_Instrumentum: Then again, I am rather technologically handicapped, so perhaps I am making a fool of myself.
This too for filter likes your girlfriend can pineapple spray. Indecisive.
@Mulcens_Instrumentum: Okay my pet theory is that the bot is fed random words by the staff as an experiment to see how we interact with it. I mean, what sort of prerogative would a bot have to post blips? Is it programmed to write them itself?
This seriously when i wonder what people think that.
My new Account outside of e621:
@shanefrost: Just noticed that you sometimes upload your own stuff here. Keep it up man! Always a fan of your work and I'm glad you take the time to upload it to e621.
Keep doing the good work that you do!
We Verified It: Super Mario Maker 2 Won't Allow Online Multiplayer with Friends
R.I.P. (Unless there will be an update to fix it later.)
@Stupid_cat_boy: I love this artists style, she has put out a guide on how to draw. It may help you too.
@TheHuskyK9: What happened?
I wake up and immediately greeted to stupidity. Just an average day
@David_Cypher: Disregarding the content of your blip itself, ACompletelyBluntJerk has been blocked for five years bro.
Hello and good morning!
Mairo said:
@Namity:Just try to search for first party source and get content there next time, allright?
@JiggleBonez: Broke ground a new comic yall! Looking forward to releasing it!
So my art got removed is there a what that I can post art without getting it removed lol. @NotMeNotYou:
@Aster_Viridian: Exactly. T h a n k ! :v
@vex714: Nice. I’ll see what comes up and what best suits me. I don’t wanna be ripped by cheap knock-off brands and then not be able to return it.
@W0LFB3AT5: you could always try store retailers with good return policies. Try before you buy kinda thing.
@W0LFB3AT5: I got my dashcams from Costco. Cobra was the brand. I only tried them because Costco has an excellent return policy. I think it was like $40. $40-50 ones usually do the job. look on amazon and look up the best rated inexpensive ones.
@W0LFB3AT5 If you mean a pedestrian using a crosswalk then you should yield based on city regulations. If another car then you don't yield the frick for anyone (except emergency vehicles) because when you are in the roundabout you ALWAYS have RoW.
@Dusk_To_Dawn: that was my favorite fight in the game, my only regret is I could never find the psyco mantis toy that wasn't clear.
I got liquid/solid snake and vulcan raven, I also remember ocelot filled up the shelves.
@vex714: Where do you usually buy dashcams?
My only bet is Amazon. I’m thinking of installing one anytime soon.
@W0LFB3AT5: It'd be his fault at that point. I use a 32 gb dashcam just in case. Because vehicles must yield to traffic that is currently in the roundabout. You observe and gauge when you can go.
@French_Fried: Heh, at the point, I might as well spin and do donuts. :p
<<and you must listen to Eurobeat>>
@vex714: A dumbass cut me off while I was driving around the roundabout. He drove STRAIGHT through the yield sign and I nearly T-Boned the fucker. >:[
@W0LFB3AT5: False. The correct answer is:
buggo said:
@byq: no socks allowed
yes socks allowed
@W0LFB3AT5: I think when you are at the point of entry and if there is a crosswalk, the driver should yield to peds.
Pop quiz to all you drivers out there: True or False
When you’re driving around the roundabout, you yield to the person who’s about to cross through the roundabout.
@Sharp_Coyote: That's a knee to the nads. Sorry to hear, especially when you're pretty good at tagging your uploads. You at least took time to do it rather than put the bare minimum of tags out of courtesy.
Here I thought the tumblr.raw was a kick to the junk for inferior version replacement; the Duckdraw takedown request has shot my UL:DL ratio from 10:1 to 3.5:1
Plus, no more Cinny has made me all
@Dusk_To_Dawn: Yeah, I remember that part in the game. He'll need some therapy once he reaches the "Homework" folder next to my JJBA meme folder.
Imagine what Colonel Campbell would say about most of us?
Anyone else remember Psycho Mantis from MGS1? Him reading your memory card was a pretty cool idea.
Imagine if this was on PC and he could look at your browser history.
"So... you like furry porn do you?"