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New year and 22nd happy bday to me. Still a single girl... maybe this year I'll get a gf...

Time to get my corkscrew and, well...
Even if I never get a girlfriend, I'll still have my family, dog, and Minecraft. Oh, and this website too. Shout out to all the artists that provide content for the site. Both SFW and NSFW. This website accounted for ~5% of my internet browsing in my late teen years and I love it to death.

Question for the mods. Any chance of adding a tag? I was thinking something that doesn't tag the image. But the comments. Something like "cursed comments"

Sharp_Coyote said:
I do not understand depression, not really (...)

Depression, as I know it, is nasty ... It cannot be put into words fully, But in music, it's like hearing Small-Shock ( or Forest, Rainy-Day, or so-on ) for hours upon end.
If dare to say, once got gripped by it, no good idea would come, all scenery becomes monotone, get exhausted, finally despair of everything.
So, What @KynikossDragonn needs now is a long time to rest/recover.

Anger would not be fitting him either, I think.
Mine was replaced by Poison, as the price I paid for despairing of everything, including life, and being reincarnated as a fox. That is, active-nihilism, zero-sum thinking, and PFP-like strong personality.
Hence, Coming this way is Not really recommended. As it'd mean carrying crosses.

This year again, I have finished having my Toshikoshi-Soba, the year-end tradition. It was delicious.
毎年恒例、「 年越し蕎麦 」というヤツを今年も食べ終えました。旨し。
Everyone, Have a Happy New Year.
皆様、よい お年を。

Music I will be listening to on live TV later : MafuMafu - Life hates us now

PS : Ya know, it took me a very long time to finish the topic ... Orz
そういや、例の Topic を完成させるのに、物凄い時間が掛かってるんだよねぇ ... Orz

I do not understand depression, not really. I get that those who do not deal with it, who are not in its grip cannot really understand.

For me, the Bruce Banner solution is often my go-to: I am angry most of the time. Not big green monster angry, the angry that keeps the monster away.

it keeps people away, too

I do not want to know what would be left,

if I were to let that go.

In response to blip #117394

KynikossDragonn said:
This entire year has been nothing but a repeated disaster after another.

Every single time I have ever been told "don't give up!" or "things will get better!", I just want to bluntly yell; "Shut the fuck up, fuck off with that."

I don't even want to hear those kinds of phrases ever again if I actually some how "pull through" this situation I'm in.

Things can need some work to 'get better', as not much gets resolved on its own; 'pulling through' may needs some pulling.

People will offer encouragement, friends a shoulder or helping hand, yet sometimes professional help is needed for a course correction.

Things are bad all around, worse now the last couple years. It is not bad to ask for help, nor shameful to ask for help. Real help. We cannot offer much beyond platitudes or hopeful words, others can.

This entire year has been nothing but a repeated disaster after another.

Every single time I have ever been told "don't give up!" or "things will get better!", I just want to bluntly yell; "Shut the fuck up, fuck off with that."

I don't even want to hear those kinds of phrases ever again if I actually some how "pull through" this situation I'm in.

In all of my life, I am always fighting, against someone-in-sight or something-invisible.
Whether it's the surrounding hostile(s) or the darkness of myself, they come to attack/kill me (in my sleep).
A little tired of living. But, If I lose, the darkness of myself engulfs me and I may become pieces of data that'll be dispersed

... No, I am Not gonna end up like that way - I have never been “lived” my life satisfactorily enough yet!

いつ何時も、「目に見える誰か」 あるいは 「目には見えない何か」 と闘っている。
それが 「周囲の敵」 であれ、「自身の闇」 であれ、どいつも隙あらば寝首を掻きにやって来るのだから。

が、もしも この闘いに敗れたならば、僕は自身の闇に呑まれ、データの欠片となって散逸するのであろう。


Music recommended for such situation : Mega Man Battle Network 4 - Battle with Myself

In response to blip #117353

@GlitchedSystem: because it's simply arbitary limit put in place to avoid people from getting to page 8927, because furher you go in pages, harder it becomes on servers and you most likely should be refining search terms or such if you are at page 750 anyway. 750 should not be too low amount which is why it was that.

In response to blip #117365

My father barely survived a medical malpractice situation that left him suffering from a serious gangrene infection, I'm not very optimistic he'll survive surgery to remove the cancer and the subsequent chemotherapy that'll most likely be a thing too.

Honestly, all I ever seem to do is annoy the hell out of everybody in the "blips" with my thinly veiled attempts at being "happy and positive", so maybe things will just be better off here without me anyways regardless.