In response to blip #95547
Yo, could ya delete my profile on here, cause I'm moving on ;)
Yo, could ya delete my profile on here, cause I'm moving on ;)
@Fatefulbrawl777~: been wondering about that. I mean there is no delete button now that I know of.
User:The_Dog_In_Your_Guitar has no account link
@Fatefulbrawl777~: @Fatefulbrawl777~: accounts can't be deleted, scramble your user and password
@Fatefulbrawl777~: I'm sure I saw some deactivated accounts a while ago. Though I don't know how they did that.
So, in your shoes I think your account stays? Unless there is some other way that I don't know about. I don't think Janitors handle acc's.
@Fatefulbrawl777~: no, that is impossible.