I thought of a “tricky” but cool riddle. Don’t know if this will make sense. Correct me if wrong. :v
“I am trilingual. I speak Spanish and French.”
What’s my third language?
(Sounds a bit amateur’ish but I wanted to give it a try)
I thought of a “tricky” but cool riddle. Don’t know if this will make sense. Correct me if wrong. :v
“I am trilingual. I speak Spanish and French.”
What’s my third language?
(Sounds a bit amateur’ish but I wanted to give it a try)
@W0LFB3AT5: English because I don't recall getting decked in the throat by a Babel Fish
@W0LFB3AT5: Perhaps Latin? They both come from Latin. Even though the French language sounds different from Latin...hrmmm...