In response to blip #93388
@Samael_Morningstar: I usually buy womans hoodies or shirts sometimes. They fit me so much nicer. Of course that's probably why people mistake me for a girl, that and my hair.
@Samael_Morningstar: I usually buy womans hoodies or shirts sometimes. They fit me so much nicer. Of course that's probably why people mistake me for a girl, that and my hair.
Doomguy666 said:
...probably why people mistake me for a girl, that and my hair.
please tell me you have long, straight raven tresses
I mean ... how's that car been treating you?
@French_Fried: @vex714: @CCoyote: @furballs_dc: @Doomguy666: It went surprisingly well, guys. There were some snickers and scoffs here and there, and EVERYONE was just shocked, but for the most part, I was accepted and encouraged, eg. "You go boy!"
@Doomguy666: I’ve always wanted a black women’s track jacket with pink lining. Pink is the most masculine color in my opinion