@E621Suckstrashbags: dont bother messaging me i changed the password to a bunch of random key mashing and left this trash behind, fuck this place
@E621Suckstrashbags: dont bother messaging me i changed the password to a bunch of random key mashing and left this trash behind, fuck this place
@E621Suckstrashbags: You’re not you when you’re hungry. Have a snickers
@E621Suckstrashbags: good riddance
don't let the door hit your ass on the way out
@E621Suckstrashbags: well then... um 😐 , saying this is a trash site? Sir, most of here people are nice and we are following the rules as we can
Homogenousrule said:
@E621Suckstrashbags: dont bother messaging me i changed the password to a bunch of random key mashing and left this trash behind, fuck this place
Hey. Don't mash my keys, man.