In response to blip #127083

dba_afish said:
most music is shit, just like-- in general. hell, most _art_ is shit in general, and it really always has been.

just because most stuff you can still somewhat easily get your hands on from that era now is pretty good does not mean that stuff from that era was better on the whole.

İndeed, everyone has somethİng they want to say through art but not everyone can make a masterpİece, yet there İs always someone who can; İf you'll allow a bİt of hyperbole. In terms of musİc through tİme, I thİnk a wİde varİety can help wİden one's perspectİve. So, İf you were to look at my playlİst, you'd see stuff from thİs year as well as stuff from XVIII century and stuff that explİcİtly references tradİtİons older than that, because İt's good to have a taste but, İt's better when İt's challenged


In response to blip #127084

off-topic, but how'd you manage to type this like that? did you intentionally replace all of the lowercase is with capital i-dots (İ), or did something weird happen when you were typing? because none of your other comments are like this.