In response to blip #126362
SNPtheCat said:
Wait what's wrong with ~note:*а* ~note:*у* ~note:*о* ~note:*е* ~note:*i*
I'm searching for non-English letters. а is not the same character as a.
SNPtheCat said:
Wait what's wrong with ~note:*а* ~note:*у* ~note:*о* ~note:*е* ~note:*i*
I'm searching for non-English letters. а is not the same character as a.
Lafcadio said:
I'm searching for non-English letters. а is not the same character as a.
huh, i see.
Lafcadio said:
I'm searching for non-English letters. а is not the same character as a.
Though are they being treated the same?
order:note ~note:*э* ~note:*ы* ~note:*я* ~note:*ё* ~note:*ю* ~note:*и* ~note:*i* ~note:*¿* has 319 pages while
order:note ~note:*э* ~note:*ы* ~note:*я* ~note:*ё* ~note:*ю* ~note:*и* ~note:*¿* has 1