
Former Staff
In response to blip #109029

@G0wther: It is entirely up to you. I lose more patronage than I gain and with my roommate unable to find work the past few months and winter starting early where I live I'm getting a lot more desperate and irritable. All the writing for this project is already finished so all that's left is illustrations, which take me about a week. Those go up every friday with WIPs every saturday and anything extra I make usually on tuesdays. I try to post enough to make it worth people's while rather than the "maybe I'll post twice this month" comics that make 12x what I do.


In response to blip #109030

@Ratte: DM me. Given that you seem to depend highly on a healthy and balanced support-to-production ratio to survive, I think negotiations are in order. I'm willing to make a sacrifice to help you survive as long as we can come to a reasonable agreement that ensure we BOTH can survive given your circumstances and my borderline destitute lifestyle.

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