In response to blip #109013

bipface said:
why don't you try going to sleep?

I really need to. What's is it like... *checks* 53 hours now?! Yeah, no wonder my mind and body are screaming for death.

Though, I usually hit my physical limit before my mental one, often stumbling over from blood pressure shifts from moving too fast and pounding heart even when I feel totally wide awake and my congition stays very sharp. However by then even when "wide awake" I tend to have acid-trippy effects around my sight edges too.

I can expect everything to give out around 88 hrs., but if I move carefully and slowly enough I can push past that.

Honestly, 53 aint nothin unusual. 73 is what my frequent hyper insomnia usually gets me anyway usually only ending with me forcing sleep cause I know it gets very wonky and harmful after that. 104 is my all-time max though, and at that point I was taken to the hospital for forced sedation for my own safety.
