In response to blip #108214

Kemonophonic said:
Speaking of Bethesda games, I started a new game of Skyrim the other day. It's been a while since I last played it so it feels like I'm playing it for the first time.

A funny thing did happen: In Riverwood my character was caught lockpicking and a child hired thugs to attack them.

it gets better. if you get a mod that allows you to kill the children, you'll notice they have voiced lines thanking you for killing the other kid they hate. just in case you found a way to disable it.

you can do the same to delphine. she's essential when you spare paarthunax, but as soon as she enters the embassy, that you cant enter, she is no longer essential, just in case you manage to get in anyway and kill her.

@Kai_Rose: you're supposed to cringe at your old work. it means you improved
