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vensprites (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

justgl (cleared) Active NotMeNotYou »

giahryan Only the artist is allowed to post. Active NotMeNotYou »

scentedbunns (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

melancholy_seabiscuit (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

pasteldaydreamz (cleared) Active NotMeNotYou »

gusta Anything not from Newgrounds is DNP Active NotMeNotYou »

newsummoner Only the artist is allowed to post Active NotMeNotYou »

yokusori (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

wastepaw (no changes) Deleted NotMeNotYou »

pixivyle (cleared) Active NotMeNotYou »

snuddy Only the artist, ItzzOver"[sup][1][/sup]":/users/865516, and WolfgangAnonymous"[sup][2][/sup]":/users/200414 are allowed to post Active NotMeNotYou »

cloudpie Only the artist, commissioners, and character owners are allowed to post. Active NotMeNotYou »

cloudpie Only the artist and character owners are allowed to post. Active NotMeNotYou »

moshimoshicak3 (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

glacytale (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

froxifox (cleared) Active NotMeNotYou »

acidic All explicit artwork is DNP Deleted NotMeNotYou »

potatoesdraws (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

berchbark (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

nt6969 (no changes) Deleted NotMeNotYou »

tikkitoon (cleared) Active NotMeNotYou »

blakenfen Cub art is DNP Active NotMeNotYou »

cherifokkusu (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

lenomon (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

creamin_peaches (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

kespoco (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

dacad (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

hiroyko_art (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

youllseemescarlett (cleared) Active NotMeNotYou »

dacad Anything pre 2021 is DNP; all third-party edits are DNP Active NotMeNotYou »

verfyhi (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

tokkileul (cleared) Active NotMeNotYou »

cocicka Only the artist and furlough_games"[sup][1][/sup]":/users/774405 is allowed to post Active NotMeNotYou »

tinnier (cleared) Active NotMeNotYou »

wuffe All explicit feral artwork is DNP. Active NotMeNotYou »

feline_element Only the artist and commissioner are allowed to post Active NotMeNotYou »

dustyscooter (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

aurumorre (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

rollingbox (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

coelhoruno (cleared) Active NotMeNotYou »

averi_(fiddleafox) Character is mostly being used to troll these days, and we don't need that noise. Active NotMeNotYou »

coffaebeans (no changes) Deleted NotMeNotYou »

derpyrider (cleared) Deleted NotMeNotYou »

teremunart Only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload Active NotMeNotYou »

snakeside (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

pixcello (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

miss-mittens Only the artist is allowed to post Active NotMeNotYou »

miss-mittens (cleared) Active NotMeNotYou »

kbh_kazuhisa Only the artist or commissioners are allowed to post Active NotMeNotYou »

conformitywhore (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

carrudra Only the artist is allowed to post Active NotMeNotYou »

canadiankitten Only the artist and commissioners are allowed to post Active NotMeNotYou »

69beas All explicit artwork is DNP Active NotMeNotYou »

orf (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

orf Only the artist is allowed to post Active NotMeNotYou »

tuxedodragon (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

tuxedodragon Only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload Active NotMeNotYou »

tuxedodragon https://shapeshifter-shenanigans.tumblr.com/ https://www.furaffinity.net/user/tuxedodragon/ Active NotMeNotYou »

dailyralsei (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

fortunatedonk (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

sr-g (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

osterars (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

bigclaudia (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

dio_fish (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

blackrabbit-13 (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

whitefennec-13 (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

rydgedshep (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

lustyknightdraws (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

thymilph (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

pendeura (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

teriyaki_chicken (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

deltasomnium (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

misshiirin (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »

woofstep (no changes) Active NotMeNotYou »