Copyright: star trek


"Star Trek is an American science fiction entertainment franchise created by Gene Roddenberry and under the ownership of CBS and Paramount. Star Trek The Original Series and its live action TV spin-off shows, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek Enterprise, Star Trek Discovery, Star Trek Lower decks, Star Trek Picard, Star Trek Strange New Worlds and Star Trek Prodigy as well as the Star Trek film series make up the main canon. Star Trek The Animated Series is debated and the expansive library of Star Trek novels and comics, although still part of the franchise, are generally considered non-canon.

The first series, now referred to as The Original Series, debuted in 1966 and ran for three seasons on NBC. It followed the interstellar adventures of James T. Kirk and the crew of the starship Enterprise, an exploration vessel of a 23rd-century interstellar "United Federation of Planets"."

Official website
Memory Alpha: Star Trek wiki
Star Trek (TV Series 1966–1969) - IMDb
Star Trek (Franchise) - TV Tropes

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