
post #4433022 post #1898893 post #2919900 post #1468543

Characters less than one year old.

Important Notes:
  • When applying age-related tags, you should not use information that is not directly from the image.
    • If a character looks like a baby, but is confirmed to be of-age, apply baby and adult_(lore).
    • If a character looks of-age, but is confirmed to be underaged, apply young_(lore).
  • Keep in mind that while young characters are often slim and short, some types of adults (e.g. dwarfs, shortstacks, teapots) can be slim and/or short while also displaying more aged qualities.

"Young" Ages

Apparent Age Tags
<1 baby and young
1-3 toddler and young
3-12 child and young
13-17 adolescent and young
18+ N/A

See Also

  • loli, for explicit and suggestive depictions of young females.
  • shota, for explicit and suggestive depictions of young males.
  • cub, for any depiction of young furry (anthro and feral) characters.

The following tags are aliased to this tag: babies, infant, newborn (learn more).

This tag implicates young (learn more).

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post #5310687
post #5310682