Character: monica bridget keens
Full Name: Monica Bridget Keens
Species: rat
Age: 18
Height: 5' 1''
Weight: 330 lbs.
Hair: strawberry blonde
Eyes: sea foam green
Monica is the clerk and junior manager of the sweetshop "Choc-It-Up!" at the local mall. She adores all types of sweets, especially chocolate, and seriously lacks self-control when it comes to food. Though very cordial and bubbly she hasn't had much luck with relationships, which she attributes to her massive waistline. Even so, she desperately wishes to meet a nice boy who could love her in spite of her body. While she exhibits a generally lighthearted demeanor, she uses this to mask certain insecurities over her great size. She is best friends with her coworker Lani (an echidna).