Character: padowmon

Mischievous and usually problematic shadow creature, Padowmon enjoys making trouble but understands whenever its not appropriate to do so.

post #4634132
Reference Sheet

Description & Design

Mischievous and usually problematic shadow creature, Padowmon enjoys making trouble but understands whenever its not appropriate to do so.

This Digimon always takes a form of a round ball with two eyes, with a smaller version of the pelt that Gabumon wears, however, it can shape and transform itself with ease, but not for long. One of the eyes is always bigger then the other, it is unknown why or how its eyes aren't symmetrical.

It can grow as many limbs or get as big as physically it pleases, however, trying to shape itself and staying on the form for too long will only tire it faster, from the observations it can grow as two times as big as itself or grow tentacles out of itself, but it could only hold it for approximately 5 minutes. Whenever its tired, it shapes itself into a puddle and regains its energy this way.

Padowmon is quite soft to touch, as it almost feels like touching a pillow that you can shove your hand in, the center is always the most peak of its translucent body, and under certain lighting conditions, you can see thru its body without hassle or it blends with the dark lighting.

Facts & Personality

  • The blush is colored white, just like his eyes.
  • Etymology of his comes from combination of words Padded and Shadow, Padow.
  • His fur pelt seems to be from a scrapped data of Gabumon and he will try his best to have it on, he will see any removal of his pelt as a threat.
  • If it ever ends up in a lustful situation, it enjoys either shoving itself and exploring people's bodies, and can create any dickshape as you please. A very switchy fellow.
  • Cat-like personality, half of the time its either the cutest thing ever or causes slight trouble.

Fursona/Digisona owned by SV BOY

See also

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