Character: youngsun (y15un)
an ember wolf with still fiery heart.
the sunny bros. universe
- ylsun ♂ ←(adoptive brothers)→ youngsun ♂
- ylsun is younger.
- may be depicted as: duo, romantic couple, or married couple (i.e., husband and husband)
- in nsfw settings: no restriction.
- ylsun is the dominant bottom in most cases.
fun facts
- the underlined part of the name youngsun has same pronunciation as number 0 in korean, and youngsun's username y0ung5un also has number 0 in it.
the yelena au
- yelena ♀ ←(twins/brother and sister)→ ylsun ♂
- yelena is younger.
- in nsfw settings: ylsun is not allowed to vaginally penetrate yelena nor to have any sexual activity that results in yelena's pregnancy; anything else is allowed.
- yelena is dominant over ylsun in most cases.
- yelena ♀ ←(romantic couple)→ youngsun ♂
- yelena is younger.
- may be depicted as: duo, romantic couple, or married couple (i.e., husband and wife)
- in nsfw settings: no restriction.
- ylsun ♂ ←(brothers in law)→ youngsun ♂
- ylsun is younger.
- in nsfw settings: no restriction.
- youngsun is dominant over ylsun in most cases.