transscrotal piercing
A Transscrotal_Piercing is any scrotum piercing that passes entirely through the scrotum.
The most common piercing jewelry placed in a Transscrotal piercing are ring piercings and gauges, however studs, barbells, and weighted piercings are also common.
Initial placement of a transscrotal piercing involves a surgical procedure where the hole for the piercing is made with a scalpel or dermal punch so that it passes through more than just the scrotal skin.
Even if a character has only one testicle, or if they are a eunuch with an intact empty scrotum, it is possible to tag transscrotal piercing so long as the piercing passes through more than just the skin of the scrotum.
Types of Transscrotal Piercings
- A Sagittal Transscrotal Piercing is the most common. The piercing is placed through the scrotal raphe and the tissue of the scrotal septum, along the sagittal plane (front to back/back to front). Placement is typically between the testis, though, it is not more difficult to place the piercing higher or lower.
- A Lateral Transscrotal Piercing is uncommon. The piercing is placed through one of the pouches of the scrotal sac along the sagittal plane on either side of the scrotal septum. This type of piercing does not pass through the scrotal raphe. As this type of transscrotal piercing passes through more layers of tissue, the chance for complications is increased.
- A Transverse Transscrotal Piercing is extremely uncommon. The piercing is placed through the entire scrotum along transverse plane (side to side). As this type of transscrotal piercing passes through even more layers of tissue, the chance for complications is further increased.
- A Multiplanar Transscrotal Piercing is also extremely uncommon, combining one or more of the above techniques into a single piercing. The risk of complications is determined by how many layers of tissue the piercing passes through.
- A Transtesticular Transscrotal Piercing is the least common. The piercing passes through the scrotum and one or both testicles. Since the piercing passes through one or more testicles, in addition to the scrotum, this method presents the greatest risk of complications.
- If this variation is presented as temporary in nature, or for the purpose of inducing pain, such as if it is being conducted using a thin pin or needle, it should not be be tagged transscrotal piercing. Use the Needleplay, Cock and Ball Torture, Ballbusting, and/or Genital Torture tags instead.
- [Note: This variation should only be tagged with Transscrotal Piercing if it is apparent that the piercing is meant to be of a more permanent nature, such as through the use of jewelry and/or if the character does not exhibit symptoms of pain.]
- [Caution! In reality, this variation is only temporary, as long term penetration of the testicles will easily lead to infection and castration is often the outcome of attempts to make it permanent. Do not attempt to get this variation permanently conducted in real life.]
The following tags are aliased to this tag: transscrotal (learn more).
This tag implicates scrotum_piercing (learn more).
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