Copyright: soar: princess of the skies

Soar: Princess of the Skies is a fictional movie that was featured in a 2005 PSA for AMC Theaters's "Silence Is Golden" campaign, warning about inconsiderate talking at the movies.

The trailer is animated in the style of a Disney Renaissance era film, luring audiences into thinking it was a real movie trailer. A bald eagle rules over the wilderness, while his daughter Princess Soar, and her best friend, a porcupine named Quill, wonder what lies beyond and venture outside of their territory. This gets the attention of an army of evil vultures, and her father, trying to rescue her, is caught up in the ensuing battle. Unfortunately, as she flies to rescue him in turn, a cell phone rings in the audience, distracting her and causing her to crash into him, making them both plummet into a volcano. It's at this point the trailer's true purpose is revealed, as a warning to the audience to not ruin the movie with phone use appears. Soar, her feathers burnt off, angrily slams a flip phone shut.

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