Character: eclipsa butterfly

Eclipsa, Queen of Mewni, to a Mewman King was wed. But took a monster for her love and away from Mewni fled.

post #1644905

Eclipsa Butterfly, The Queen of Darkness is a supporting character in the Disney XD original animated series Star vs. The Forces of Evil. She gained this title after penning the forbidden chapter of the Mewni Royal Family Book of Spells which mostly contains dark magical spells and eloping with the Monster King Globgor.

Eclipsa has pale skin, poofy teal hair, mauve eyes, and hibiscus red spade-shaped marks on her cheeks. She wears a long, dark purple Gothic-themed dress with a brown ring at the waist, a large black sun hat with gray and white feathers and a thorny branch, a white cravat with a light purple crescent moon on it, long mauve gloves, and black flats with pale purple socks. Eclipsa also has maroon-colored lipstick and black mascara and purple eye shadow. Underneath her gloves, her hands are dark purple with purple veins sprouting out on her arms. Eclipsa also wears a wedding ring on the middle finger of her left hand. She is 5' 2" (1.57 m) tall.

She is the daughter of Queen Solaria Butterfly, the Monster Carver and the mother of Meteora Butterfly

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