Species: torterra

post #75794 post #3986985 post #2531015

Torterra (Japanese: ドダイトス, Dodaitose) is a dual-type Grass/Ground Pokémon introduced in Generation IV, being the fully evolved form of Sinnoh's grass starter Turtwig. Torterra is a quadrupedal, bulky, reptilian Pokémon, heavily resembling and based on a tortoise.

The large shell covering their hide seems to hold its own mini ecosystem or grassy field. This small field consists of a single oak-like tree, pointed boulders resembling mountain peaks, and patches of soil. All of this is surrounded on the shell by a white "rim", leading into a diamond-like shape upon the front of their shell. Torterra's body is segmented or sectioned, being green on the top with brown countershading. Their mouth is jagged and ends in a brown beak, similar to a snapping turtle's, and their cheeks are adorned with grey spikes. Surrounding their red eyes are dark, blackened circles. Like their torso, their legs are bulky, and come with four toes in the anisodactyl style ending in grey toes

Torterra's large and clean shell supports the lives of many small Pokémon, which occasionally gather and build their nests upon the shell. Some are born and spend their entire life there. Torterra migrate in search of water, creating the illusion of "moving forests". However, it is typically immobile. - "Bulbapedia, Torterra biology": https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Torterra_(Pokémon)#Biology

See also

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