Character: scp-000

post #4235009

SCP-000, aka, Error is an anomalous entity originating from the SCP Foundation Mythos. SCP-000 is an anomalous entity known as a Pattern Screamer, a sentient life form from before the beginning of the universe that no longer exists within this universe. Instead they exist in a state of non-existence constantly screaming to be heard and resenting entities that do exist. SCP-000 is a pattern screamer that caused a computer glitch within the SCP Foundation Database and currently partially exists within the SCP-000 slot, where it is currently contained. Unable to recognize SCP-000, the I.T. Specialist in charge of fixing SCP-000 slot eventually gave up and removed the slot from the list of anomalies all together. This invertedly contained the entity by minimizing the amount of people who are able to potentially perceive it.

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