Species: combusken

post #1485233 post #3369229 post #4296716 post #2142482

Combusken (Japanese: ワカシャモ Wakasyamo) is a dual-type Fire/Fighting Pokémon introduced in Generation III.

It evolves from Torchic starting at level 16 and evolves into Blaziken starting at level 36.

Combusken is a bipedal, chicken-like Pokémon. Most of this Pokémon's upper body is yellow, while most of the lower body is orange. An orange, pointed design adorns the center of its waist at the dividing line of the two colors.
It has orange eyes and a short, wide beak. There is a feather crest on top of its head with three orange points.

(This crest is smaller on female Combusken)

Its tail is short and pointed. It has three, sharp claws at the ends of its long arms, and scaly, gray legs with well-developed thighs covered in shaggy feathers.

The legs of Combusken possess an equal amount of speed and power. Because of the training, this species does by running through its grassland habitat, these legs are capable of delivering a barrage of kicks. Its kicks are said to have outstanding destructive power. This Pokémon can unleash up to 10 kicks per second. While it is fighting, it is noisy and produces sharp cries that distract and intimidate its opponent. During battles, Combusken's internal flame will burn and become stronger.

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