Meta: flipnote studio (artwork)

This tag is for artwork created, in whole or in part, using Flipnote Studio, a basic animation program on the Nintendo DSi and Nintendo 3DS.

The artwork may be low resolution due to the DSi’s resolution of 256x192, or the 3DS’ resolution of 320x240, or may be increments of such. This may give the impression of pixel art, and may be pixel art depending on the artist’s intentions. It may also have a restricted palette due to the ability of only being able to display 3 colors at a time on the DSi’s version, or 6 colors at a time on the 3DS’ version. Audio may also be heavily compressed or low quality due to the algorithm the software used to get the animations’ file size as low as possible.

Even though it is seldom used anymore because of the consoles becoming outdated, some people still choose to use it because of its simplicity, aesthetic, and nostalgia. Prominent modern artists using this medium include Cerealbowlby and Kéké.


The following tags are aliased to this tag: flipnote_studio (learn more).

This tag implicates digital_media_(artwork) (learn more).

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post #5368660
post #5368656
post #5365871
post #5353042