scp-001 (keter duty)

post #4330626
Can't fit square pegs into round holes.

SCP-001-IHP/LOCKE, formerly known as, SCP-001-ROGET and SCP-001-HARMONY, also known as "Keter Duty" is one of the many proposals for SCP-001 in the SCP Foundation Mythos.

SCP-001 is a Foundation Site of unknown origin that houses hundreds or thousands of Keter Class anomalies. Said Site uses multiple Keter-class objects to contain other ones, in the process creating a 'Thaumiel-Keter-Paradox' scenario, in which almost uncontainable objects are contained by the merit of being uncontained. For example, SCP-2547 is paired with SCP-3852 for the purposes of mutual containment. SCP-3852 is a phenomenon wherein an anomalous cadaver manifests in a small community, leading to the lynching of an individual accused of the murder. SCP-2547-1 would hold the water supply hostage and hold a kangaroo court for the accused, inevitably resulting in a mistrial for the person accused by SCP-3852 and devotion for SCP-2547.

SCP-001-LOCKE/IHP is also affected by this: With the Alpha Entrance Site-100 and the Omega Entrance Site-001 mutually containing each other and having very different motifs.

SCP-001-IHP/LOCKE also has a collaborative log known as Project Isorropia, which seeks to contain new Keter and Esoteric Class anomalies.

SCP-001-LOCKE/IHP is classified as Thaumiel, which means that SCP-001-IHP/LOCKE has useful anomalous properties to The Foundation.

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