Species: fly (animal)

Flies are an easily recognizable insect, notorious for being a pest in human culture. Flies, from the order Diptera, are known for their single pair of wings, large compound eyes, and special mouth parts.

Mythology and Folklore

Not to be confused with:

  • butterfly, though it has fly in its name, is actually a species of lepidopteran.
  • damselflies and dragonflies, though having fly in their name, are actually species of odonata.
  • firefly, though it has fly in its name, is actually a species of beetle.
  • the act of flying


See also:

The following tags are aliased to this tag: animal_fly, bug_fly, diptera, dipteran, dipterid, flies, fly_(bug), fly_(insect), fly_insect, insect_fly (learn more).

This tag implicates insect (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: bee_fly, blow_fly, fly_humanoid, housefly, mosquito, stiletto_fly (learn more).

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