Copyright: open arena

A Community produced Arena FPS based on IDTech3 and serves as a Opensource version of Quake III Arena.
The game features traditional game modes from Arena FPSs including Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Domination and more.
Unlike Quake 3, OpenArena takes more influences from Anime media, featuring characters like Jiang-Shis, Cat girls, Angel girls, School girls, etc, which usually feature the "Mature" body set which features large bust proportions, jiggle physics and modeled-in nipples. Should the player desire to disable these models, the game features an option to do so. Traditional characters like Soldiers, Mutants, Space Marines and Gangsters also appear.
The game has ceased development, with other projects that seek to make the game of a sandbox, and adding new models and features, being currently developed.

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