Copyright: joker caught a pokemon

Refers to an internet meme using an audio clip where the Joker tells Batman that he caught the Pokemon Lopunny and infers that he's going to have sex with it as Batman urges him not to. The audio originates from TikToker and Twitch streamer imryanleo and was posted to TikTok in May 2022 and went viral over the following months as an audio source for animations. The background music and Joker's Vocal Tics are specifically a reference to Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight.

Joker: Batman, I-I- I caught uh- I caught a little Pokémon. Do you wanna know what PokémonI caught?
Batman: What Pokémon did you catch, Joker?
Joker: I caught a Lopunny, Batman...(sniffs Lopunny) I caught a Lopunny.
Batman: Oh no Joker... Don't tell me...
Joker: You already know Batman, You know what I'm gonna do to that thing!
Batman: Joker! It's an animal Joker! You can't!
Joker: Batman- there's no laws against the Pokémon, Batman! I can do whatever I want with it!
Batman: Oh god- Oh God. No! Don't do it!
Joker: I'm gonna do it, Batman! *belly flops onto Lopunny that is on a mattress*
We'll be right back

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