Species: noaia

Species created by the artist AlkalineArts. They are a purple skinned race with a mid length muzzle, glowing eyes with black sclera, bat-like leathery skin, a thick tail with white fur on the topside, three toed and taloned feet with a vestigial rear talon, and who can be born with or without horns.

Horned Noaia are the most common variety. Unhorned are rare, about every 1 in 10. Albino Noaia are extremely rare and possess white sclera and red eyes.

They are native to an arctic island nation north of the coast of Iceland, and prefer colder climates, but have migrated to all parts of the world after discovery by european traders in the 1600s. Their language is similar to Inuit and they have a culture based around fishing, hunting arctic animals such as caribou, and a shamanistic spiritual belief.

Open species, anyone is free to use.

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