Species: fennec fox
Vulpes zerda, the smallest species of true fox. Its distinguishing characteristics are its tan fur, very large ears, a black-tipped dipstick tail, brown "tear stain" muzzle marking, large black eyes, and small nose. The first fox to be domesticated, its natural habitat is the deserts of northern Africa and the Middle East. Personalities attributed to fennec characters include hyperactivity, noisiness, and silliness.
The following tags are aliased to this tag: desert_fox, fenec, fennec, fennec_kitsune, fennecfox, fenneck, fenneck_fox, fennek, fennic, fennic_fox, vulpes_zerda (learn more).
This tag implicates true_fox (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: fennec_fox_taur (learn more).
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