Character: eda clawthorne
post #3027397 post #4129663 post #4860444
Edalyn "Eda" Clawthorne is the deuteragonist of The Owl House. She ran away from home as a teen after being cursed by her older sister Lilith Clawthorne , a curse which causes her to turn into the owl beast. Eda eventually becomes the most-wanted criminal and the most powerful wild witch on the Boiling Isles until her curse ended up entirely incapacitating her magical ability.
Eda is a tall, slender woman in her mid-to-late 40s, with ivory skin, pointed ears, maroon lips, and golden eyes. Her untamed hair is thick, long, and layered with tones of gray. She has a removable gold fang, orange claw-like nails, and an oval amber gem on her sternum, which helped indicate when the curse was getting worse.
In her youth, she had bright orange hair and didn't have her golden fang yet. In "Wing It Like Witches", it is stated by Lilith that Eda's curse affects her hair, implying it would naturally be the same orange as when she was an adolescent if she were not under the spell.
In her Owl Beast form, she resembles a large, owl-like monster with black eyes, grayish yellow sharp teeth and gray hair protruding from long, pointed ears. Her body is covered in dark teal fur, and she has two dark gray wings and black feet that resemble that of a bird of prey's.
After coming more to terms with the curse in "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door", she can turn into a harpy-like form of the Owl Beast. In this form, she has long dark gray hair with a light gray streak on the top of her hair, yellow eyes with black sclera, and tufts of hair that come out of her elongated ears. She has gray owl-like wings that protrude from her back, and her now two-toned maroon and red dress appears to be a part of her body, partially covering her face. Her torso, shoulders, arms, and hands are covered in dull spikes protruding from where the sleeves of her dress would be. Her feet are covered in light gray fur with dark gray talons like an owl. Her hands are monstrous-looking, with small yellow claws. In "Eclipse Lake", she learns how to change into her harpy form at will.
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