Species: mega sceptile
post #749018 post #3631134 post #786573
Mega Sceptile (Japanese: メガ ジュカイン Mega Jukain) is a dual-type Grass/Dragon Mega Pokémon. It appeared with the Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire versions, and is the Mega evolution of Sceptile.
Since Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Sceptile can mega-evolve into Mega Sceptile if it holds a Sceptilite.
The ridges on its head are sharper, and a round portion in the middle is missing. Red markings surround its eyes, which are smaller and thinner. The round seeds on its back are larger and the last two pairs of seeds are orange, then red.
Red bands encircle its tail and lower belly. The leaves on its wrists are sharper. The tips of the upper leaves are red and a round portion in the middle is missing. Its torso and shoulders are covered with leafy patches similar to those forming its tail.
Mega Sceptile's tail is elongated and fir tree-shaped, with a sharp red tip.
Its ability to throw its tail is a reference to autotomy, a defense strategy consisting of voluntarily abandoning a part of its body that regenerates later to entertain its predator. It also resembles a missile launcher, the shape of its tail being similar to that of a rocket.
Mega Sceptile can cut off a portion of its tail and send it at an opponent like a missile. Its tail can regenerate as long as it still has the energy to mega-evolve.
See also:
This tag implicates generation_6_pokemon, mega_evolution (learn more).
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