Character: gus skwarek

post #4490395 post #4490382
August Leonard "Gus Squawks" Skwarek is the fursona of Secretgull, created in February 2015.[1] He "is an adult silver gull from New South Wales, Australia [specifically from Sydney], currently living in Florida, USA".[2] (Although in a later comic, he stated his city of origin to be "Irwin, Queensland, Australia", and to never have been to Sydney.)[3]

  • Gus doesn't shower or bother with deodorant so he's smelly.[4]
  • His birthday is on August 13, and he is 25.[3]
  • Secretgull got his inspiration from Gus from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, who is "scruffy and sleazy" and "has a twin".[5]
  • Secretgull didn't realize how much Gus looked like Lenny Leonard from The Simpsons until well after he designed him, with his swept back black hair. So he made Gus's middle name "Leonard" as a tribute.[6]
  • Secretgull felt like "Gus Squawks" were two nicknames, so he wanted a last name that was close to "Squawks" but still sounded like a real name.[7] Then on July 25, 2020, he chose "Skwarek", which is a Polish surname derived from a nickname for a slight, tiny person.[8] So he proposed that "Gus has some shrimpy bisexual slavic ancestor who found his way to Australia and started breeding".[9]
  • Gus has an identical twin brother, older then him by a few minutes, named July "Jules" Skwarek. He is gay, a natural blond, and overall a little larger than Gus. They may or may not do they do incest stuff.[10] He still lives in Australia and has a kangaroo partner.[11]
  • Gus's mom is named June, and is 53 years old.[12]
  • Gus's father is named Maynard (keeping the family's theme of month-related names), and he is where Gus got "his trademark goofy smile, his beachy fashion sense, and his big thick uh, accent" from. (But not his height.)[13]
  • Gus has only been in Florida for a couple years and he deliberately tries to keep his Australian accent from fading "because it gets him laid".[14]
  • Gus's job is being a minor influencer/streamer who got semi-famous because he won a low budget (sexy) reality show. The prize money from the show is why he moved to the US, owns a house, and doesn't seem to work.[15]

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