Character: selin malianis

post #3532739 post #3412820

Character belongs to SelinMalianis . A white-furred wolf.

Selin Malianis, born 1991 hasn't had that much of a notable childhood, part of twins along with her brother Nelis they both managed to discover they had a liking for latex at around the age of 16 which only got bigger over the years! learning quickly her academic strengths laid in economics and accounting, she had no trouble finding quite a few places to work at and earn a steady income, albeit slightly boring back then...

Now however, Selin works for Nikita Averin on Solais - after a series of events lead her to leave her old workplace behind in favor of going to work in well... a ringworld in space. Considering it a fortunate bit of networking to find a place in need of both the occasional bondage test subject and someone capable of doing a hell of a lot of administrative work, Selin barely ever has a boring day at work... and when the workday is over she gets to come home to her lovely Mistress Diana Duboise that never fails to bring a smile to her face even if her job fails to do so~

Both her and her brother have superhero alter egos (in Selin's case the Silver Spider), but these don't necessarily need to follow the lore stated above.

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