Species: kishin (gekk0)
What Are Kishin?
Kishin are a series of genetically engineered creatures, each custom-designed for a specific role. They can be used in a variety of purposes, whether mundane, dangerous, or erotic.
Most Kishin are designed to correspond to common human male or female body types with their corresponding sexual characteristics. Intersex and sexless Kishin are available upon request.
During the creation process, the Kishin can be made to appear as any desired age. Most are designed to look like a human between 13 and 25 years old. They age very slowly compared to humans. If asked for their birthday, they will cite the date of their manufacture; their age is otherwise poorly defined.
Product Lines
- c_line_kishin - Concept Line
- e_line_kishin - Entertainment Line
- m_line_kishin - Military Line
Common Features
All Kishin, regardless of product line, share the following features.
- Human-like body structure with five-toed feet and five-fingered hands
- Smooth, hair-free skin
- Short snouts
- Fleshy ‘dreadlocks’ instead of hair. By default, these have a latex-like texture, but this can be customized.
- Large, pointed ears. Comparable to an elf or fennec.
- Simple markings (typically banding) on arms, legs, and/or tail
- Simple color palettes of three to five colors. Most commonly four colors: Body, markings, hair, and eyes.
- Pheromone communication with other Kishin, undetectable by most other species
- Harmless unless specifically instructed to harm. Will not question an instruction to harm, regardless of the target.
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