
post #14706

Mistletoe is a white-berried (Viscum album and Phoradendron leucarpum), or red-berried (Viscum cruciatum or Viscum rotundifolium), or pink-berried (Phoradendron californicum) evergreen parasitic plant with smooth, teardrop-shaped or oval leaves, often associated with Christmas. The tradition of kissing under the mistletoe originated with the Roman festival of Saturnalia. Mistletoe is frequently incorporated into a kissing_bough

Mistletoe was considered to be sacred by druids, and is still used in contemporary witchcraft.

Often confused with holly, which is entirely different plant. Attempting to kiss someone under a holly is considered bad form, even if the holly is used as a kissing bough.

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See also:

  • holly_(plant), sharp-leaved plant with (commonly) red or (sometimes) white berries
  • lingonberry, an evergreen with tear-shaped leaves and edible red berries, generally associated with tasty Scandinavian dishes and not kissed under or used by druids.
  • accidental_holly, a situation in which holly is mistakenly used in place of mistletoe

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