Species: rodenian

A mouse-like species from Trials in Tainted Space native to the forest world of Corvus. While male Rodenians are fairly normal equipped with a penis and external balls, the female ones possess a highly unusual reproduction method (even for TiTS standards). The females’ wombs are located in their breasts rather than their abdomen and are accessed via secondary channels recessed deep in the ear (Yes, they have ear-ginas). Males have vestigial ear-cunts, but nothing special otherwise. Rodenian woman aren't equipped with pussy between their legs, but hybrids have them instead of the ear-ginas.
The young hatch from eggs, which are laid from the females' nipples.
Another unique part of the rodenian biology is the hedonary gland. Sexual activity puts the women into a state of hyper-suggestibility, a vulnerability easily exploited by slavers and sex-crazed scientists, who use the chemicals produced by this gland to turn others into willing sluts.
Rodenians even possess an unforeseen talent for all things psychic to the point of occasional clairvoyance. Ambassadors deny any allegations of mass genetic modification of their people.

For more information: https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/Rodenians

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