Character: rosic (might and magic)

post #1145174

Rosic is a female spotted gnoll, and a witch-heroine of the Fortress faction in Heroes of Might and Magic 3. When Rosic was a child she contracted a fever that none of the elders in her village expected her to survive. But survive she did, and today she claims that it was the fever that gave her her magical powers. She is identified by the marking of the third eye on her forehead, her red choker with fangs dangling from it, as well as her two looped golden earrings in each ear. Rosic is native to the world of Enroth.)

Not to be confused with Tiva who shares a passing resemblance, including the third eye marking but has a nose ring in the left nostril. And one less - but bigger - earring on the left ear and a necklace of red beads.

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