Character: drayjay

DrayJay or DJ for short is the fursona of the artist Dracojeff and comes in three different flavours:

Male DrayJay

post #3692440
The original version of this character, but also the one, who is used the least. A dragon-lion hybrid with orange hair and a grey body. Sometimes shown with lines of spikes going down his back to his tail.

Big Sissy DrayJay

post #3690483
Muscular, yet girly andromorph variant of DJ. Shares the same colour-scheme and species as his male counterpart, but has longer hair and lacks a tail.

Mouse DrayJay

post #3690619
The name already says the speciality of this version. She is a mouse. And has the size of a mouse (tag micro only when there is enough around her to really see that she is tiny in comparison).
Mouse DJ still has two horns like her dragon-counterparts, orange hair and a grey body.

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