fake pregnancy

post #3694979

A character who appears to be and/or claims to be pregnant, but evidence shows otherwise. This includes characters who explicitly lie about being pregnant, or are merely mistaken for being pregnant, and don't correct the other character.

A character might put something up their shirt (like a pillow), or bloat themselves through stuffing or inflation, and pretend to be pregnant. Alternatively, a character may present a faked pregnancy test.

"Fake pregnancy" is a recurring theme in vore, where (usually female) characters use pregnancy as a cover for their massively bloated belly, and may invite unaware others to "feel the baby kick" to explain away struggling prey.

Note: The pregnant tag should not be applied to characters who are only pretending to be pregnant

Related Tags

  • deception — for characters tricking or lying to others or the viewer
  • tricked — for characters falling for an act of deception

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