Artist: oogzie
Oogzie is an artist. They are in a relationship with SnugUndies.
Oogzie's creations
- Cassandra the Misdreavus (adopted out to cyanzangoose)
- Cecillia the Gourgeist
- Dalia "ScrafDD" the Scrafty
- Doolin "ScrafD" the Scrafty
- Dualinde the Milotic/Scrafty hybrid
- Harley the Scrafty
- Iokepa the Marshadow
- Jennifer the Gardevoir
- Jessica "Jelli" Labella the Goodra (adopted from JRVanEsbroek)
- Koralinde Hartman the Gardevoir (formerly named Konaya)
- Mary the rabbit
- Megan the Gengar
- Miranda the Ditto
- Nadine Hartmann the Gardevoir
- Pepper Sparks the Pikachu
- Pipra Sparks the Raichu (Alolan)
- Roxanne "Roxy" the Scrafty
- Rutger Hartmann the Gourgeist
- Sadie Sparks the Pichu/Ralts hybrid
- Tama the tanuki
- Virgil Sparks the Pichu