
post #3932234 post #2526609 post #2899472 post #3378438

Giga describes a subcategory of Macro content involving macro characters that are far larger than "average" range of macro scale characters.

Giga Macro characters are large enough that their height can be measured in hundreds or even thousands of metres — giga characters may be as large as dozens of city blocks, or dwarf a city entirely, sometimes even large enough to destroy a city in a single footstep like a mere ant hill. At a few thousand meters tall, a giga macro is about a thousand times the height of a human, making them about a billion times the mass, fitting with the metric prefix "giga". Especially large giga characters may be shown using entire mountain ranges as something to lean against, or be able to sit on, or lay across an entire country.

Unlike broader macro content, giga typically involves these massive characters interacting with crowds as a single entity, entire cities, and geographical landscapes rather than interacting with individual normal sized characters or single buildings. If a giga character is shown interacting with normal sized individuals, these normal sized character are often barely visible and drawn in low detail, comparable to an ant to a human — unless depicted in a separate comic panel, using perspective, or separately within an animation to provide a closer view.

Tags for Giga Macro Scenarios

Note: not all of the tags bellow are inherently giga related

  • destruction
  • landscape dwarfing — a character who towers over any man-made or natural feature of a landscape, while that landscape is still visible
  • mass vore — most vore involving giga sized characters involve consuming crowds of people

Related Tags

See Also

This tag implicates macro (learn more).

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