explicitly stated consent

post #2078497 post #2247516 post #3306342 post #2932206

When a character is shown explicitly asking for, agreeing to, giving permission for, or actively encouraging, whatever is happening to them or is about to happen to them. In most cases, this tag applies to a character giving consent for sexual activities, however, it can apply to any situation where consent is given, such as a character giving consent to be pet, kissed, groped, or hugged.

This tag is not mutually exclusive with explicitly_stated_nonconsent as one character could be consenting and another not, a character changes their mind, or a character might consent to one activity but not another.

How Consent May Be Expressed...

  • Unambiguous nonverbal gestures such as giving a thumbs up or nodding to express consent

See Also

The following tags are aliased to this tag: verbal_consent (learn more).

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