digestion sequence

A comic, image sequence or animation that is focused on the process of digestion — usually from an external view of a character, or depicting a combination of external and internal views of a character.

Digestion Sequences In Vore

While a digestion sequence could potentially occur in a sequence containing food stuffing followed by weight gain, digestion sequences are overwhelmingly associated with vore, where the gradual digestion of a character within another is shown.

Vore digestion sequences usually focus on the predator character and how their body changes or expands as their body processes the prey character. Weight gain, breast expansion and butt expansion are the most commonly depicted results during a digestion sequence, sometimes themes of disposal may be shown as well. Typically some of the sequence is dedicated to the predator's belly shrinking as their prey is processed, sometimes in tandem with, or proceding the pred gaining weight, expanding, growing or transforming.

In digestion sequences focused on internal views of the predator character's body (usually the stomach and intestines), the prey character may be shown at varying states while inside of the predator's stomach, from having just been eaten and whole, to having clothing damage or minor injuries, and usually skipping through any goriness to the character being reduced to bones or chyme. Less commonly, the prey may be shown melting as they're digested; while rarely, a digestion sequence may depict graphic digestive gore.

Tagging Notes
  • This tag should never be added to single scene images
  • A comic that features digestion as part of an entire vore scenario, but doesn't focus on gradual steps of digestion, should not be tagged as digestion sequence
Common Features/Themes

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