Copyright: gregory horror show
GREGORY HORROR SHOW is a Japanese multimedia series with writing and character designs by Naomi Iwata, including several animated series consisting of episodes not exceeding 150 seconds. In the original trilogy, the viewer is introduced to a strange hotel managed by the titular Gregory, populated with various bestial and monstrous guests, seen through the eyes of a person mysteriously drawn to the hotel. In several of the official works, GHS's characters are depicted in forms reminiscent of papercraft, including lots of angular or paper-flat details.
The series has limited English releases, including a European localization of a 2003 PS2 game. In 2024, a Kickstarter campaign was created to fund an English localization of GREGORY HORROR SHOW: SOUL OF ROSES and the production of a GREGORY HORROR SHOW: HELL'S RESTAURANT animation series. After this campaign failed, a second campaign specific to SOUL OF ROSES was successfully funded, with the game entering Early Access on Steam a few months later. Notably, SOUL OF ROSES drops the papercraft aesthetic from previous animations and games in the interest of more typical cartoon illustrations.