Character: flavio terracota



Job: Student of Purple Heart Highscool, Leader of Photography Club(Purple Heart Highschool), Volunteer Archaeologist.

Soul: ?

Gender: male
Age: TBA
Height: 1.63m / 5'4''
Weight: Unknown.
Built: muscular
Specie: Fox
Nationality: TBA
Status: Alive

Flavio Terracota is a character from a serie of webcomics named SIRIDIA.


Flavio is a young and small fox of slim build at first glance, but on a closer look he's really muscular. His fur colour consist of three colors plus one(being a hair dye, weak blue colour.. or purple.), being brown for his gloves and socks marking, tan for the lower face belly and genitals, and orange for the rest of his body.

He dresses Volunteer clothes but also he's seen wearing only a magenta shirt and a tracksuit, or sometimes bottomless.

Something curious to highlight about Flavio is the purple marking he has on his upper abdomen, resembles to a scar that can also be seen on his back like the entry and exit of a wound.


Flavio is a calm boy, even when he gets late for a date. He likes eating junk food and watching TV.

As mentioned, Flavio's hobby is to be the leader of a schoolar club named "Photography Club" at Purple Heart Highschool.

Flavio likes cooking, he lives in his house with his maid, teaching her how to cook.

  • Flavio has suffered through some changes to his design.
    • First the hair had to be changed to not cover his eyes.
  • His name comes from "yellow" in latin, and his surname is based off the terracotta, also known as "baked earth" in italian language.

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