Invalid: cum jar

Invalid tag, use either cum in jar or pony cum jar project instead.

Previous Description

The Cum Jar tag is used to reference two possible things: A literal jar of cum or a reference to the Pony Cum Jar Project

The Literal Meaning

post #3088074
Firstly, it can reference the literal meaning of the tag: a jar (typically a mason jar) which contains cum.

The Pony Cum Jar Project

post #3396135
Secondly, it can reference the "Pony Cum Jar Project", in which a member of 4chan's /mlp/ board placed a Rainbow Dash figurine inside a jar and filled it with cum.

Parodies and Variations

post #3214041

    • This second reference, like many other meme references, is allowed some ambiguity to account for variations. Even images which only depict a smaller object/character and a jar can count, given proper implication (such as with the image above).