Character: koto fuyumono


Job: Retired Superhero, Chairman of Purple Heart School.

Gender: Male
Age: Old
Specie: Fox
Height: ~1.76m
Body built: Hot grandpa.
Nationality: Sahiran.
Status: Alive.


Koto Fuyumono is an old fox of muscular built and some wrinkes on his face showing his old age, but to be an old fox, he preserves his toned condition pretty well, such like having a ripped belly, and marked pecs for example. His fur colors are the same as the rest of his offspring, consisting of three colors being orange, tan, and dark green but with the difference of having a greyer hair, and a goatee.

He's first seen wearing a white winter jacket, being shirtless, and wearing pants with belt.

What makes him more iconic than wearing an old winter coat that origins from his superhero name, is his ability to glow from his eyes.


He's a light-souled retired superhero who used to be under his hero alias named "Wintercoat", now, he's a Chairman of a Purple Heart Highschool, a school in Purple City on Sahir's Desert.

He makes his first appearance in the SIRIDIA series, as a guest of Purpura News alongside his son, Kuro to participate in a quest to recover... (Comic spoilers)Adriana's remains which were stolen from her coffin.




Light Soul: Confirmed by the glow of his eyes and other reasons, he's a light soul. Superpowerful enough to be named a Superhero during his younghood, and welcomed by the society as one despite of being older.

    • Flight: Koto flies, capable to easily cross a fence and safely land to the ground.


  • His granddaughter, his son and himself are the only three characters who are seen glowing from their eyes.
  • His surname means "winter clothing" in japanese.
  • Once it was misbelieved that Wintercoat had cryokinetic powers when his first concept sketches were first introduced on some Discord comic and art servers.

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